
The Preschool Program is a multi age program for children of 1.5 to 3 years of age. The ratio of students to teachers is 1:4 for 1.5 to 2 years and 1:6 for 3 year olds. The room ratio average is 1:5.The program is designed to guide the child through the initial stages of language development, social interaction and learning by discovery. We believe that fostering independence in children is important for the development of their social skills and self esteem and we encourage the children to do as much as possible for themselves at all times. A phrase we often use is, “You/I can do it!” and you will soon hear your child saying it often. The program offers both group, teacher directed and self selected activities. More, or less, teacher guidance is given depending on the age and readiness of each child for various learning tasks. Age and developmentally appropriate formal learning activities are introduced to each child as they are ready for them. The day begins with choice time, where children select from activities that have been prepared for them or choose others. The staff will assist and gently encourage the child. Our centers include art and craft activities; science activities; language building activities; reading readiness and literacy activities; pre math skills; physical development activities; creative and dramatic activities; life skill activities; critical thinking, problem solving and cognitive development activities; activities for exploring our environment and the world around us; and much more. During group times such as “Circle Time”, “Snack Time”, “Story Time” your child will learn about being part of and interacting in a group, manners and social skills, whilst enjoying singing songs, dancing, listening to stories etc. We provide an environment where children are able to freely explore and embark on a journey of discovery. The Preschool at ai International school is an environment that provides a solid beginning for your child.


8:15 – 8:30 Arrival/Prepare for the Day

Part of growing up is learning to do thing for yourself. The children put away their own belongings every morning and get themselves ready for the day.


8:30 – 9:30 Student Selected and Teacher Directed Activities

Centers are set up every day and the children make their own choice of activity. Teachers will also help them to make choices if they tend to spend most of their time in one place. Centers may be set up with an activity that is teacher directed/assisted, like many art or fine motor activities, or where the children use the materials prepared freely and develop their own play. The Centers include art, scribbling, science, puzzles, blocks, dramatic play, gross motor, fine motor, math and cooking activities. Through the activities at the centers the children learn how to manipulate and use many tools, like cissors, pencils, brushes, knives, glue etc. The activities are designed to build the children’s motor skills, cognitive skills, practical life skills, sensory skills, language skills and social skills. They learn to share and take turns, to cooperate with one another and the general rules of getting along together. Activities are planned to build on the skills of all the children regardless of their level. Thus while some children may be learning to write their name at the scribbling table, others may be enjoying simply moving the pencil/crayon back and forth across the paper.


9:30 – 10:00 Morning Circle Time and Story Time

We begin the Morning Circle by singing the “Hello Song” to acknowledge all the children and the teachers. During our circle we choose daily helpers, talk about the weather, the day of the week, the theme for the week. We sing songs and read stories related to the day topic.


10:00 – 10:20 Morning Snack

Morning snack is provided by the school and is either fruit or crackers. Once a week we also cook our own snacks – muffins, sandwiches, hot cakes, noodles and many other different and tasty foods. Cooking activities help to build the fine muscles and also help us to be independent. We also learn about measurement, science, math and improve our coordination.


10:20 – 11:20 Outdoor Play Time at the Park

As long as the weather is fine we go outdoors everyday. From their games in the sand box and on the park equipment, the children develop both their fine and big motor muscles.


11:20 – 11:30 Toilet Time/ Preparation for Lunch

All children are encouraged to be independent and to do as much as possible for themselves as they can. Even if they are still in diapers, we also encourage the children to use the toilet, to just try. They become used to the environment and using the toilet, even if they are not toilet trained yet.


11:30 – 12:00 Lunch Time

Children sit with their Primary Care teacher for lunch. We have table conversation and table manners are considered very important! Brushing our teeth is very important for personal hygiene. We brush our teeth everyday after lunch!


12:00 – 14:00 Nap Time / Quiet Time

Children lay on their mats to relax or sleep and soft music is played to help them relax. The children also enjoy quiet reading time before their nap. Some children fall asleep without any help, some are helped to relax with a gentle rub on their backs and reassurance.


14:00 – 14:10 Waking Up / Toilet Time

The children are gently roused from their slumbers and prepare for, what is for many, the last part of their day.

14:10 – 14:30 Afternoon Circle Time

We read the book of the week and other favorites of the children. The children learn to listen to develop their language, speaking skills and their attention span. We finish with a good bye song, singing good bye to all the children and the teachers. Whole Day Course students will go home for the day.


14:30-14:50 Afternoon Snack

Afternoon Snack is provided from home. We ask the children bring healthy snacks – fruit, yogurt, vegetable sticks, cheese, crackers and etc. We have a strick policy of No Nuts, No Chocolates and No Candies.

15:00-15:50 Outdoor Play at the Park

Much like in the morning, we go outdoors every afternoon. From their games in the sandbox and on the park equipment, the children continue to develop their fine and gross motor skills.

15:50-16:00 Extended Day Students Depart

Students on the Extended Day Program will tidy up and end their school day.

16:00 – 18:30 After School Program (Preschool Room)

Exciting plans well prepared for AS children – Drama, Music and Movement, Arts and Craft, Physical Education and Games, Science Exploration and the most famous Cooking Activities.

(This is an approximate time line of our day and there may be changes on a daily basis,depending on activities planned, the weather, special events etc)